New waves of energy are flowing hard for the next few days and sometimes you just have to 'crump' your way out of it...
There are days when I can write from a place where words flow in a spiritual way, with meanings and connotations exposed into a space where I hope they gently land with you, to support you in whatever it is your feeling or experiencing at that moment. Then sometimes I feel a bit of grounded chatter, manic words and chaos is what is waiting to be released. Well, today is a combination of the two, as I am experiencing two worlds in one moment.
There is a lot of anxiety, uncertainty and madness in the world right now but there is also love, community, evolution and curiosity (oh such a dangerous word) and finding the balance between the two is easier said than done.
Over the next few days as the planets are dancing in their influence, bursts of extra energy are available, they're coming hard and fast, hitting you like a frozen hot cross bun and if you aren’t aware of its presence you might momentarily explode. Finding a way to move the energy through you and/or ground it might save you from cutting yourself some bangs (don’t ask).
These waves of energy may interrupt your focus or are trying to call you to something else that you could be doing that would feel more aligned with you true self. You may pick up the vacuum for the 50th time, head to the fridge for you 67th snack or pick up the phone for another scroll through the socials, because you know we are all out having fun (nawwwt). Sometimes it brings on overthinking, over analysing, a panic about world order and all of a sudden you are down the rabbit hole and with isolation 'guidelines' in place, your only rescue is yourself. This SOUNDS crazy I know, but when these waves come on I try to catch myself (before I make my 13th sandwich for the day because ‘I think’ I’m hungry) and I do this weird outburst of movement. I feel the panic, the anxiety, the energy come and either it wants to ground here or move through me, so I accept it. I stop whatever I’m doing and do 10 burpees or star jumps, crump aggressively (and really badly) just to shake it off , get out of my head and back into my body.
A client asked me ‘how do you keep so calm about what is happening?’, truth is, I am calm and a little nervous all in one. I know these few days of energy surges are here but I am not immune to them or a master of moving them through. I have a meditation practice and progressively work on self-awareness, but today I even verbally abused my vacuum for not following me around the corner because I hadn’t caught myself.
I believe I have just accepted that it’s not going to go back to normal and whilst we are levelling up and adjusting to the new ‘norm’ the energy is flowing in to support us in doing so. In these few days where the energy is a bit ‘extra’ just do something that completely breaks the space, you don’t have to do burpees ( I know they are a punish) but do something to shake it off, get your head back in the game.
Let me know how you go…
Love and other things xo